In Good Company with Claire Held

In Good Company


A Check-in about Decisions Regarding Fat Consumption for everyone health health consultant lchadd Nov 22, 2023

  Consuming fat is a balancing act; It is for everyone, not just those with LCHADD. The holiday's are just around the corner that doesn't make it any easier!

Making the decision to eat something or not is a decision each an every one of us has to make. But the consequences can be much higher for those living with LCHADD or some other metabolic disorder. So for this blog post, let's take a minute and check in with ourselves and pay understand and analysis the decision we are...

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Vitimans - Part 1 lchadd metabolic disorder vitamins Aug 18, 2023


Vitamins: What is the Deal?

Marketplace madness and what you need to know….


Vitamins, it seems like everyone is taking them (at least most of us are!) and everyone’s selling them.

You and I are told by the media, our healthcare system (legitimate factions and not so legitimate one’s) and seemingly every well-meaning random stranger on the street that if only we were taking (FILL IN THE BLANK HERE) we’d be cured, be skinner, have more hair, tighter...

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Meet and Greet health consultant health issues lchadd metabolic disorder Jul 18, 2023

In Good Company with Claire Held

My Story

Like many of you – my story starts off rocky. I was born 2 & ½ months premature, my mother had HELLP syndrome, and I lived in the PICU for the first part of my infancy. Over the next year and a half my body shut down twice – major organ failure, 2 different comas and many, many months in Seattle Children’s Intensive Care Unit. I was Air Lift’s Northwest poster child and Children’s Hospital Merical Network...

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