In Good Company with Claire Held

In Good Company


The Science of Calories for everyone health consultant metabolic disorder Apr 22, 2024


To help everyone reading this post understand why we need to care about caloric energy - and why at times it is important to pay attention to those "calories" on the packages we buy - (including me)....

it helps to understand how calories get measured and a brief overview of how they work within the body.

The following section should help you with this and assist in the secondary blog post "Fat by Percentage's not by Grams".

Happy reading!



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Fat by Percentage not by Gram for everyone health consultant metabolic disorder Apr 22, 2024



Note: a low-fat diet is consistent of 20% or fewer total daily calories consumed, by a person, coming from fat (and that is all types of fat). 

Fact: In nature, Fat does not exist in tidy short, medium, long, and very long chain carbon lengths independently of one another. While the overall percentage of fat carbon lengths in food may fluctuate, they all exist together. ONLY IN A LAB setting can you isolate the various fat carbon lengths. That is why it is IMPOSSIBLE to...

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Hidden Fats In Unlikely Places Dec 28, 2023

Fat is everywhere - and there is no better time to notice its abundance than during the holiday season. It’s no secret that fat is filling and cheap, There are hidden culprits everywhere, just waiting to steal your attention, play into your cravings and relish in your submission to these convenient delights. So it should not be shocking we miss hidden source’s of high fat foods even when we are trying to be healthy, proactive consumers.

Increasingly in our modern lives (shopping,...

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A Check-in about Decisions Regarding Fat Consumption for everyone health health consultant lchadd Nov 22, 2023

  Consuming fat is a balancing act; It is for everyone, not just those with LCHADD. The holiday's are just around the corner that doesn't make it any easier!

Making the decision to eat something or not is a decision each an every one of us has to make. But the consequences can be much higher for those living with LCHADD or some other metabolic disorder. So for this blog post, let's take a minute and check in with ourselves and pay understand and analysis the decision we are...

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The In-Between Season... fall favorites health consultant health issues metabolic disorder Sep 25, 2023

It’s officially fall! Well, at least for a few days now…..while I cannot wait for the beginning of a new season, new routines and new fall habits to set in (rainy nights, sweaters worn permanently, and just all-around fall activities).

This post has nothing to do with educational in-sights; and everything to do with encouraging the in-between season activities.

This time of year, there seems to be a highten urge to transition. There is the complex lure of light scarfs and...

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Vitamins Part 2 health consultant health issues vitamins Sep 13, 2023


 Fat soluble vitamins – it’s complex and yet I promised a brief overview and hopefully provide some light on why those with an FOD deficiency may have a tougher time absorbing and using these vitamins.

So, What are the fat-soluble vitamins? and What makes them different from water soluble vitamins?

They are A, D, E, and K.

These vitamins require fatty acid chains of 6 carbon lengths or more for proper conversion and transportation within the body. Fat-soluble...

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