In Good Company with Claire Held

In Good Company


Vitamins Part 2 health consultant health issues vitamins Sep 13, 2023


 Fat soluble vitamins – it’s complex and yet I promised a brief overview and hopefully provide some light on why those with an FOD deficiency may have a tougher time absorbing and using these vitamins.

So, What are the fat-soluble vitamins? and What makes them different from water soluble vitamins?

They are A, D, E, and K.

These vitamins require fatty acid chains of 6 carbon lengths or more for proper conversion and transportation within the body. Fat-soluble...

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Vitimans - Part 1 lchadd metabolic disorder vitamins Aug 18, 2023


Vitamins: What is the Deal?

Marketplace madness and what you need to know….


Vitamins, it seems like everyone is taking them (at least most of us are!) and everyone’s selling them.

You and I are told by the media, our healthcare system (legitimate factions and not so legitimate one’s) and seemingly every well-meaning random stranger on the street that if only we were taking (FILL IN THE BLANK HERE) we’d be cured, be skinner, have more hair, tighter...

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